I woke up Tuesday morning in Switzerland to an email telling me to find a flight that day to Istanbul. This trip was finally on!!!
I wish I could tell you all about Istanbul and share photos - but the truth is I've been so crazy busy that the only photos I've taken are of the inside of hotels and apartments.
A friend I met shortly after I moved to Brazil (who, like me, moves a lot) gave me some advice I still try and live by: for the first 3 months after you move anywhere, anytime someone invites you to do something you have to say YES. Doesn't matter how tired you are or what else you have planned, you say yes. It forces you to get out and meet people, see things and when people see you out it encourages them to get to know you and to include you in invitations. Soon you are part of a network of friends.
With his advice in mind, when the contact who was helping me look at apartments invited me to join her at an event mid-afternoon I said yes.

Which is how I found myself standing in the middle of an amazing designer's (
Ozlem Suer) studio, with a group of Istanbul's "ladies who lunch" watching an intimate fashion show. The clothes were to DIE for, the models were so close I could reach out and touch them and the ladies who attended were so chic and elegant. They were drinking champagne and Chambord eating elegant finger foods and amazing desserts.
I felt like I'd stepped into the most amazing world. I hope the rest of my experiences here are equally jaw dropping and unexpected.
This song is an old one, but when I saw the models walk through the house in their amazing dresses on those insane shoes their attitude brought this video to mind - and it is a good reminder to me to stay open to the possibilities here. En Vogue:
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