I just finished taking Kim Klassen's Photoshop Skinny Mini class - and can I just say wow! I've bought photoshop books and been playing around with it for more than a year, but thanks to Kim it is finally starting to make some sense. I still have a lot to learn, but Kim and her amazing teaching techniques have make a huge difference for me. Best of all, the generous Kim offers this class for FREE.
I can't wait until I can find time to take her other two classes - given what I learned in this quick basic's course, I can only imagine what she has in store for the other classes.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend planned, I know mine will be FULL. There are some major changes going on in my world and this weekend is the start of it all (more details later.)
Am I the last person on earth to discover Azure Ray?
Azure Ray Make Your Heart
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There is a FREE photoshop class? I just might have to look into that! I love looking at all of your pictures - you are getting so good at seeing things in a new light! Have a fun weekend!!
love the photo! i wish i had more time for lessons. and that song is nice =) happy friday! have you checked your mail? ;)
hi sweet jamie!
sooooo cool that you have enjoyed kim's class so much ... she is a gem beyond ... i love her approach to teaching ~ gentle and easy! no hard techno stuff!
so, what is this carrot you dangle? hmmmm ... very excited to hear! everything crossed that the changes in your world are beyond amazing for you!
love your image and quote and this sweet tune!
happy weekend to you ~
I'm so glad you took Kim's course - now you can start following me! LOL No seriously...that's awesome. Great job!
YAY...isn't that the best! I love learning new tricks and Kim is awesome. Have a great weekend...i'll be in bed! :/
I too took Kim's class and learned so much. Actually, I took two! She makes it all so much easier to understand.
I love Kim's tutorials. I did the same thing, lots of books about PSE. Nothing helped, I was so frustrated. Once you get past the basics and the light bulb goes off, look out! It's all fun after that. I've also learned to go to youtube for tutorials for other PSE things (like making rounded corners).
Welcome to the world of textures. :)
I totally agree! I had studied in college, with books, etc. and one skinny-mini class taught me more than all those other lessons put together! It's so inspiring...
Cant wait to see what you come up with now!
some day ..... even I might "get it?!"
oh, you may have saved me from spending WAY too much on online photoshop classes! i've been thinking of taking one for ages, as gabriel loaded it on my computer and i'm lost the second it opens.
you have given me hope! :)
your class sounds good and look forward to reading about your changes! nice song too.
i agree...the skinny mini class helped me out too. but, i still have a LOT more to learn.
I just finished Kim's Photoshop Essentials class and things I've been trying to figure out for ages finally make sense!
i hadn't heard of azure ray before. lovely
As I liked the style of the photographer, I've been a follower of her blog! she makes an incredible pictures and textures .... hmmm what a marvel!
than luck, I'm so happy for you!
Jamie thanks and thanks and thanks!
Oh, I love Azure Ray. That duo got me through a lot of cloudy days back in college.
Thank you for your nice comments about making friendships. I think you're right on about the saying no thing. I learned that lesson the hard way, and was grateful for your reminder.
Hi Jaime, oh yes I agree Kim is amazing I so adore her. Photoshop can be very intimidating to people and she breaks it down so nicely.
Hmmm I look forward to hearing about your major changes. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I am excited to see the things you are learning. I get very self-concious putting my pictures up knowing how much better they could look if only I had a decent camera and knew how to edit!
Oh yes, Kim is so wonderfully generous and her tutorials are so clear and easy to follow. Love her photography style too.
Maybe Kim's class will be enough to get your photo mo-jo going again.
Love what you did with the info you picked up at Kim's class! Makes me wish I was a Photoshop person, but that's not the case. I hope your major changes are good ones :) Fun weekend for us, brought our daughter home for spring break! The weather isn't playing into this though - more snow this am.
I've taken all 3 of them Jamie, and I have to mirror your "WOW"
Talk about information??
I am glad you enjoyed The Skinny!
I took Kim's texture class last year, and it's true, she is such a good teacher. I hadn't heard of Azure Ray either but will check her out!
glad to hear you liked the class. I purchased her PSE class awhile back and then i got preggo and never finished it! now you have inspired me to do so :) Never heard of Azure Ray but have to check it out now :)
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