I couldn't sleep last night because I couldn't turn my mind off, I kept going over all the things I need to do in the next couple of days to get ready to leave. Deciding which things to take home with me and what to leave here, finishing a transition plan for work and saying good bye. I must have carried these thoughts in my head all night because when I woke up this morning I couldn't get a line from a song out of my head:
I'm going home
Back to the place I belong
Back to the place I belong
I wanted to hear the rest of it (I could only remember the one line.) I was sure it was a 3 Doors Down song, but couldn't remember which one, so I started digging through my files trying to find it. I finally turned to google and discovered I was searching in the wrong place, the line comes from Daughtry's "Home."
No matter who sings it, its the perfect song to get me going today. Working through my list of to dos is much easier when I remember why I'm doing all this work.
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