I love the way those little unexpected surprises can make your entire day. Saturday I was at my favorite shopping mecca in Delhi - Khan Market. I stopped in for lunch and ducked into a deli on my way out, continuing my search for decent cheese that doesn't cost more than a good pair of shoes. No fairly priced cheese, but I did notice a lovely little surprise in their soda cooler in the back.
It's not difficult to find Diet Coke or Pepsi here - but those are the only diet sodas to be found, and Diet Coke gets BORING after a few months. So I grabbed that single, cold can of DDP and rushed home. I waited until Sunday, just to savor the fact that I would have a nice treat with my lunch and I enjoyed ever sip of that delicious little surprise.
Now I do believe...
Heaven's inside inside inside
I knew it all the time
DP is my favorite! I'm still not sold on the diet but I LOVE the real DP (calories and all). I'm glad you had a treat.
Okay Jamie--that was too funny. You have better willpower than me. I probably would have finished the can before I even made it out of the shop. Of course, I have been about 4 days without a Diet Coke and am willing to sell my left arm for one.
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