Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words on my
Monday post - and the great ideas for building blogging motivation. I have a crazy few months coming up work wise, so blogging is going to be difficult, I'm sure I'll use all your ideas to keep going. As I said Monday, I'm trying to get back to my one of my original purpose in blogging: making a record of my life. First up, a pretty incredible experience from this weekend - homecoming at SUU, my alma mater.
I got a call a couple of months ago from the alumni office at my university telling me I had been named the Young Alumnus of the Year. I was shocked, honored and a bit overwhelmed (all the the while being completely overjoyed that they still considered me young.) They invited me to a series of events over homecoming weekend and I enthusiastically started planning.
Homecoming, for me, started on Thursday evening with an awards banquet where they honored three alumni. Nearly my entire family and a huge group of friends took vacation days, found baby sitters, drove hundreds of miles and gave up some of their deer hunting time to be at the banquet.
The alumni department had put together a video of our lives and accomplishments and just like at the Oscar's I got to give an acceptance speech (scary!) Friday I met with the Business School's National Advisory Board, full of some amazing people that I'd like to be just like someday. I taught a business class (those poor students) and then went to several receptions hanging out with some of the important people. The highlight for me was meeting the parents of my mentor in college. An amazing professor who passed away a few years ago. It was incredible to be able to tell them how much Dr Woodbury changed my life and to thank them for raising an amazing daughter.

Saturday started with a parade. I got to ride in this amazing car - and isn't my driver in his cool hat and mustache, the cutest ever? After the parade I did a bit of tailgating - both with the students and at the president's house - and can I just say that having the university president know me by sight and talk about me in his speeches was a pretty cool feeling.
It was finally game time! Hanging out with my friends at the game was like a walk back in time - it was so much fun to be together again. The team did amazing, nearly pulled off a win against the top team in their new division.
My last official duty of the weekend was walking out to mid-field at half time and waving along with one of the other nominees. An actress/writer/producer who was amazingly nice and down to earth (not to mention TALL.) When I was telling a friend about the entire experience, I said I'd never felt so special in my life and that I didn't know that I'd ever feel that special again, a truly once in a life time experience.
When I got in the car to drive to SUU last week I was in the mood for Kings of Leon - and their music was my soundtrack for the entire trip,
Revelry seems like a good way to end this post.
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