Showing posts with label If its the Beaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label If its the Beaches. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Broad Beach

2013.01 Gold Coast broad beach
I arrived in Gold Coast on Wednesday afternoon - but it took until Saturday afternoon to break away from work and get to the beach. I also just happened to have downloaded a new pak (Tintype) for my Hipstamatic iPhone apps (thanks to the recommendation of UrbanMuser at Mortal Muses.) Without a doubt, the best 99 cents I spent all week.

2013.01 Gold Coast broad beach
By the time I got to the beach the day had turned very cloudy - great for my very pale skin - but even more so for my photos. The gloomy weather coupled with the new pak made for some very moody photos.

2013.01 Gold Coast broad beach
I brought my regular camera with me to Australia, but didn't have it when I got to the beach on Saturday and to be honest, I had so much fun playing with my iPhone I may leave the camera in the hotel safe the rest of the trip.

2013.01 Gold Coast broad beach
2013.01 Gold Coast broad beach
What was the latest photography iPhone (or Android) App you fell in love with?

"If it's the beaches' sand you want then you shall have them.
If it's the mountain's bending rivers then you will have them."
The Avett Brothers - If it's the Beaches Pin It

Monday, January 4, 2010

What I'm Watching: Friday Night Lights

In addition to spending time with friends and family over the holidays I finally gave into my sister's pleas and started watching, "Friday Night Light."  Just as N said I would, I fell in love with this amazing show show.

With every episode I fell a bit more in love with the characters, the superb acting and the flawless writing, I soon found myself devouring the past three seasons and dying to watch the episode from this season that will begin airing soon.  And I swear, only a small percentage of my love of the show is due to the hotness of the actor who plays Tim Riggins.

If you haven't discovered this gem yet, I strongly urge you to Netflix the first season - and when you do, drop me a line, I'd love to have someone else to discuss it with.

This clip comes from a moment in the show blew me away and ensured the show would have a place in my all-time favorites list for a long, long time to come.  To set up the clip - here is a write up from Give Me My Remote:

A little background for those of you who don’t watch the show, but are considering it. Tyra Collete, the narrator, has had a tough life. She’s a beautiful girl who until about two years ago thought that her looks were her only ticket to something more. Her well meaning mother never gave her daughter hope she could be more than she was. Her sister, a stripper, represented everything Tyra didn’t want out of life. But then she had people come into her life that believed in her and she started to believe in herself. Tyra’s past mistakes put college at arms length. She was determined to make it happen despite the odds. Everything was riding on the all important college essay. After many failed attempts, her best friend Landry urged to dig deeper and speak from the heart…this was the result.

And, by the way, not only is it a great show, the music coordinator is a genius, here are two songs I loved before, but I love even more now after hearing them used in FNL, Bright Eye's "Devil Town" and The Avett Brothers, "If its the Beaches."

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