I had one of those occasions where a lot of separate conversations, thoughts and ideas suddenly came together and resulted in something big. A couple of weeks ago I was working on a playlist of songs about "
Wishes and Dreams" Inspiration Studio. Then I was working on an assignment for Creativity Bootcamp that asked us to define and illustrate the core of who we are, the roots that give that core strength and the branches that come out from that core. Both of these projects made me really stop and examine where I was and what I had done lately to accomplish some of my goals and dreams.
I realized I wasn't where I wanted to be, I was just kind of floating along, I was in a happy place, but I wasn't actively taking the steps I needed to be taking if I wanted to reach some of my long-term goals. This realization coupled with two conversations - one with my sister and one with a friend made me realize maybe it was time to see what steps I could take to make it a reality.
For several years, I've dreamed of living in Southern Utah, near Zion's National Park (St. George for those who know the area.) I've learned that as much as I love my home state, I'm not a fan of the winter weather in most of it. I have a tendency to hibernate when there is snow on the ground, so I feel like I miss large chunks of the year. In St. George, snow is rare, it is much warmer in the winter and there are more than 300 days of sunshine. It is very popular in Utah with retirees - or people with second homes who want to get away from the cold winters - which means that in the past it was horribly expensive to live there.
Luckily with my job I can live where I want (as long as I can easily get to an airport.) And with the downturn in the housing market - St. George is affordable again. So, I decided to use the Memorial Day holiday to visit and look around just to see if anything in my modest price range was livable - I got extremely lucky and found an adorable little house that had just come back on the market with a lower price. I took a deep breath and put in an even offer, which they accepted!
I'm now going through the due diligence process so it isn't a done deal yet - but if things to continue to go well, by this time next month I'll have a little oasis in the dessert to escape to when the snows fly. Proof that it is important to stop every once in a while and ask what steps you can and should be taking to make your dreams come true.
I'm skipping a lot of the boring details - but let's just say that the car I'd been saving up to buy is out of the picture, as is the granite countertops and fence I was planning for my current house. I'm also extremely lucky and have the furniture, linens and kitchen stuff to furnish it - thanks to my grandparents, whose house we haven't finished cleaning out. It really does feel almost as if all the stars aligned for me at that perfect moment when it was possible.
Since it's still not a done deal, I thought I'd just share a peak, but not of the house - the photo above is the view from the front yard - aren't those red mountains amazing? I can't wait to start exploring. I'm already dreaming of the challenges and fun that will come from learning to photograph this type of landscape.
What have you done lately to make your dreams come true?
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